In 2011, The Capt. Keith lost two of its long-time customers and friends: John Beato and Richard Dittmar. Here, we sadly say goodbye and great fishing to our lost friends.

Richie Dittmar
If they're there, he'll catch 'em!

John Beato
After 12 years and countless trips,
not just a customer, John was family.

Richie, the "Fluke-Finder" Dittmar became a customer several years ago and immediately gained a reputation for catching Fluke. Captain Keith crowned him The Fluke-Finder and coined the phrase, "If they're there, he'll catch 'em." No matter what season or the number of fish around, Fluke came to Richie. In turn, Richie and his family were great friends to everyone at Capt. Keith. When we launched our new boat, Richie was a wonderful supporter and was the very first person to charter The Capt. Keith. The trip was a great success, and with that trip, he gained a new nickname: our goodluck charm. In the years since, Richie was usually one of the first trips of the season and we often based on our projections on the season's success on how well that trip went. Luckily for us, the Fluke-Finder never let us down. We thank you, Richie. You will be missed!
John Beato, along with the "Beato Crew", have fished with Keith Hunt for a dozen years. Each year, someone from the crew would book several dates throughout the season; usually about one trip a month. Each trip included different participants, but all were welcome members of the wonderful Beato "crew". Then, each year, there were a few very special trips with just John and his family when they came to Montauk for a week-long vacation. Those trips always ended with Captain Keith joining the gang back at John's rented cottage and everyone enjoying the catch of the day specially prepared by the Beato family. Family and tradition are very important to the Beato's and they not only embody both, they made us a part of them. John, we thank you for sharing your family and traditions with us. We will miss you.